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Asset Management at Municipalities

“An asset management strategy and plan of action are the first steps you need to take, to ensure that your municipality is able to comply with your asset management and reporting requirements as outlined in the Local Government Capital Asset Management Guideline in support of the Municipal Financial Management Act,” says Pragma Regional Manager Kolosa Madikizela.

South Africa is not the only country faced with the challenges posed by a combination of ageing infrastructure and a growing demand for public services. As outlined in Sustaining the Nation’s Aging Infrastructure Systems paper published by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Regional Report on Asset Management Practices in South-East Europe by NALAS, America and Europe face similar issues.

“Protect first, then optimise”. As a leader in physical asset management, Pragma has provided specialist guidance and solutions in this field for numerous industries and locations globally, for 25 years. When taking on a new municipality, our first step is to do a thorough evaluation of the current status of their asset management practices. The results of our asset management improvement planning (AMIP) assessment are then used to draw up an asset management policy, strategy and master plan (with measures) as the basis for their road map towards sustainable, results driven asset management.” says Madikizela.

Pragma’s products and services are aligned with ISO 55000 and the GFMAMs 39 Subjects providing the platform for ISO 55001 certification readiness. Our products and services are tailor-made for physical asset management and include not only the On Key Enterprise Asset Management system, but also various business processes, consulting and an outsourced service called the Asset Care Service.

On Key EAMS is an excellent solution for national treasury’s increased focus on the Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA) and Asset Management. It offers a tailor-made solution focused on asset management, with powerful features to manage the maintenance of infrastructure assets. It can furthermore link to several financial systems currently in use at South African municipalities.

To support our clients in the management of their own asset management programmes, the Pragma Academy offers various short courses and a flagship three-year Certificate in Physical Asset Management (CPAM) course for strategic and tactical managers as well as operations teams.

For more details, phone Andre Jordaan on 021 943 3900 or send an email to Andre.Jordaan@pragmaworld.net.

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