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BASF contracts with Pragma Africa for sustained uptime

BASF Catalyst Division, manufacturers of three-way catalysts, diesel oxidation catalysts and diesel particulate filters, contracted Pragma Africa to improve the reliability and uptime of their plant equipment. This state-of-the-art facility has highly specialised and custom-designed coating and washcoat-formulation equipment that runs on a taxing 24/7 production schedule.

Pragma Africa has been assigned to continuously improve the performance of physical assets through the delivery of the ACC service. We are assisting BASF by implementing world-class asset management best practices, processes, systems and techniques, transferring knowledge and skills to implement and sustain asset management improvement initiatives that will deliver bottom-line results at BASF.

The automotive catalyst hub of South Africa is situated in the industrial node of Port Elizabeth. It produces around 15% of global catalyst output. The BASF site in Port Elizabeth is home to the BASF Catalysts division as well as administrative staff for BASF Construction Chemicals which supplies raw materials to most industries in southern and sub-Saharan Africa.

The factory is built on a 75 000m² site and is well resourced to meet the needs of their automotive client base. The site has the following accreditation: ISO /TS16949: 2007 ISO 9001: 2007 ISO 14001: 2005 OHSAS 18001: 2006 Ford Q1 Supplier Status General Motors QSB Supplier rated .

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