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Maintenance planning and scheduling course update

Planning and Scheduling are arguably the most neglected functions of
modern asset/infrastructure management. Very few organisations have a
proper understanding of these critical functions and struggle to
measure, control and manage their very expensive maintenance resources.

Our high-impact, hands-on intervention covers all aspects of modern
Maintenance, Planning, Scheduling and Execution and will equip you to

  • increase the amount of maintenance work being accomplished without any additional resources
  • free up necessary labour resources and reallocate them to value-adding activities
  • introduce continuous improvement activities to your current asset management business processes.

With the recent focus on PAS-55 alignment, we decided that the
Maintenance Planning and Scheduling course was due for an upgrade. The
previous 13 KPAs were expanded to the new 17 KPAs found in the current
Asset Management Improvement Planning Framework.

The new material will also be delivered in a different format in future,
with a shift towards ‘outcomes-based education’. Ben Booyens has been
contracted to assist in this task. Ben has a vast amount of experience
in the adult learning sector and his knowledge will be invaluable to
help change the way we present our material. This process will also help
our SETA accreditation that is due for renewal at the end of 2010.

Hope to see you in the training room soon!

Corné Kleyn
Divisional Manager – Academy 

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