Get specialists to help detect defects before they hamper asset performance
Condition monitoring identifies hidden defects in equipment to foretell anomalies that might lead to breakdowns and improve the reliability of critical assets. It uncovers the exact causes of failure and condition monitoring specialists can then use the data to guide the most effective corrective action.
Our condition monitoring company, Martec, combines the experience and skillsets of our advisors and technicians with technologies and products to assist companies with condition monitoring needs. Our team can assist you with 3rd party expert witnessing, quality assurance, design reviews and Factory Acceptance Testing.

Access specialist consultants to develop your custom condition monitoring roadmap
Our structured condition monitoring improvement plan (CMIP), is a thorough assessment that follows a six-step approach to work through all aspects of a comprehensive condition monitoring programme based on ISO 17359. Once completed, you have everything you require to develop a condition monitoring strategy.

Let skilled resources do your online and offline assessments
Our technicians will come to your site to do periodic online and offline assessments to identify and analyse potential failure patterns to monitor the tempo of degeneration in your large critical assets. They will assign risk levels to your critical assets and guide you on corrective action and a timeline based on global standards.
When you experience sudden breakdowns on critical equipment, our team can also assist with emergency return to service, defect elimination and failure investigations.
You save on the cost of buying sophisticated technologies and spend only a fraction of the cost for our services.

Projects and success stories
Discover industry-related projects and stories where you will see direct implementation and success of applying our asset condition monitoring systems. From power utility substation maintenance to specialised printing entities and energy-intensive resource manufacturers and more, these case studies will give you insights into the power of Martec.