The Pragma Academycurrently offers a range of training courses aimed at
improving physical asset management practices at clients in need of the
service throughout South Africa as well as parts of the African
Their three-year asset management advancement programme
includes the strategic, tactical and operational advancement modules,
and can be customised for each industry such as energy, manufacturing
and mining.
Says Billy Wilson, Academy Manager of Pragma Africa: “Companies should
realise that only 18% of course information is retained by attendees if
it’s not backed up by reinforcement, accountability and responsibility.
With our three-year asset management advancement programme, we do
exactly that. Training is expensive and there is no point in wasting
money. Companies should be asking themselves whether their training
programmes are effective and what incompetence and ignorance is costing
them annually.
“Our courses are all PAS55 aligned. We create real value with our
theoretical and practical training approach and ensure that delegates
gain strategic, tactical and operational asset management insight into
their company and industry,” says Wilson.
The strategicadvancement module includes an overview of asset management
(a strategic awareness certificate is awarded).This entails 24 training
days over a period of three years and includes practical sessions,
facilitated strategic implementation discussions as well as assessments.
On completion of this aspect of the course, Pragma awards a strategic
practitioners certificate.
The tactical advancement programme includes the fundamentals of asset
management with a tactical awareness certificate awarded to attendees.
The tactical practitioners certificate is awarded after 23 days of
training over a three-year period.
The operational advancement moduleconsists of 12 training days over the
three years with the operational awareness certificate awarded by
The programme covers an overview of Asset Management as well as training
in PAS 55, strategy, information, technical, contractor, financial,
risk, material, life cycle and project and shutdown management,
technical information, organisationasset care plans, environment, health
and safety,work planning and control, operator asset care, support
facilities and tools, performance measurement and focused improvement.
Each of these areas is covered with relevance to the levels, these being
strategic, tactical and operational.
Comments Wilson: “The asset management advancement programme can be
customised to suit individual companies as well as industries. It can
also include specific content and need not include all 17 key
performance areas. At the Pragma Academy, our aim is long term savings
through theoretically sound, yet practically applicable learning
interventions which in the end lead to sustainable training pragrammes.“
Other courses offered by the Pragma Academy include the Fundamentals of
Physical Asset Management, Maintenance, Planning and Scheduling,
Maintenance Plan Development (OMM), Root Cause Analysis, Project
Management and PAS55 Boot Camp. All courses are developed in line with
PAS 55 principles and are accredited by ECSA (Engineering Council of
South Africa) through SAAMA (South African Asset Management
Association).Clients include some of the top names such as the Aveng
Group, Ekurhuleni, I&J, BHP Billiton Hotazel Manganese, Goldfields,
Sun City Resort, Murray&Roberts, Transnet, Eskom, Clover SA, Rand
Water, Tiger Brands and Arcelor Mittal SA,Nampak Group, Hulimin, Rainbow
Chicken Farms, ERWAT, Sasol, UNISA, RBCT, Anglo American, Xstrata,
Minopex, De Beers, Debswana, MTN to name but a few.
For more information visit or contact Billy Wilson at or on 011 848 6940.