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Products support centre measures response time

The Products Support Centre has enhanced their service offering to
clients by implementing the newly released On Key Extensions Response
Time Calculator.
This new addition to the On Key Stable holds numerous benefits for
support centres.

The Products Support Centre classifies their support to clients into different categories, including amongst others:

How do I? This category contains all the general
questions and enquiries. These enquiries are mostly dealt with
immediately, but in some instances getting to the root of the problem
can prolong finding the solution. The response time on “How do I?”
enquiries is two full working days.

Administrative support. This includes support on
licence renewals, the setting up of databases and creating new databases
on the ASP servers. The response time on administrative support has
been set at two full working days.

Bugs and modifications. Problems with bugs and requests
for modifications are reverted to the development teams. Although the
release interval of service packs and new versions/releases of Business
Processes or the associated tools may differ, the ideal would be that
bugs should be fixed within 30 working days of receipt and then be made
available with the next service pack. Modifications are logged and
feedback is given to the client within 10 working days, notifying the
client whether the modification request was rejected or if it will be
considered for inclusion in a future release of business processes
and/or tools.

Since the implementation six months ago, the Support team has been able
to follow up enquiries more effectively and make sure that they are
dealt with in a reasonable time span. Since the implementation it has
come to light that 95% of the calls are completed within the allowed
time and the majority of those are handled within 20% of the allowed
time (i.e. almost immediately). 

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