The client has the opportunity to test various scenarios concerning maintenance interventions, allowing them to gain an improved understanding of the expected benefits and challenges before they are implemented on site.
Client Reference | Mining and Minerals | Platinum | Reliability Block Diagrams
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Case Study | Mining | Coal | LG Cyclone Feed Pipe
Coal mining operations mine and deliver coal from open cast pit to a crushing circuit.…
Case Study | Manufacturing | Electrical Condition Assessment for Nampak Glass Insurance Requirements
Nampak Glass is a leading glass manufacturer producing glass bottles for the food and beverage…
Case Study | Oil and Gas Retail | Shell | Facilities Management Centre
Pragma and Shell’s longstanding asset management partnership has resulted in 80% downtime reduction on fuel…
Case Study | Power | Renewable Energy | Globeleq | Consulting
The AM framework and associated products are providing GSAMS, as a young business in a…
Case Study | Oil and Gas Retail | Shell | Work Manager Application
The Work Manager app has significantly increased data quality, and velocity as data is entered…
Municipality | Sub-station maintenance
The ACC provided a platform for the staff at ESS to be able to easily…
Case Study | Facilities | Life Healthcare | On Key
On Key has been implemented at more than 50 Life Healthcare hospitals across South Africa…
Client Reference | Manufacturing | Automotive | Asset Care Development Strategy Implementation
The asset care development plan was successfully implemented and achieved a maturity level of >71%…
Client Reference | Mining Coal | FI on LDV Maintenance Costs
This focused intervention will help me to have more control over my costs and to…
Client Reference | Manufacturing | Automotive | Implementing On Key to Improve Work Planning and Control
On Key is a cost saver because it allows us to become completely paperless and…