The Pragma consultants were able to assess the maturity of our organisation in a structured manner. Their understanding of the Maintenance Solutions market led to structured and focused input to our improvement process.
Liquid packaging | AM maturity assessment
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Client Reference | Engineering Services | Client Support Dashboard and Notification
Our client develops, maintains and monitors integrations between various source systems on behalf of their…
Case Study | Power | Renewable Energy | Globeleq | Consulting
The AM framework and associated products are providing GSAMS, as a young business in a…
Proof of Concept | Facilities Management | Smart Building project
We challenged our R&D and FM teams to come up with an intelligent FM solution…
Case Study | Manufacturing FoodBev | C&D Foods | OK Implementation
Pragma allows analysis of maintenance spends per asset, real-time inventory management and fast reporting capability.…
Client Reference | Mining Coal | FI on Pump Belt Drive Maintenance and Basic Conditions
Focused interventions do not necessarily always have to lead to complex solutions where redesign or…
Client Reference | Local Government | Metropolitan Municipality | Fleet Management | Optimisting Fuel Consumption
The Pragma Asset Care Centre and the client’s management team focused on and developed areas…
Case Study | Manufacturing | FoodBev | Libstar | Asset Care Academy
The intent was to create a common understanding of maintenance management among all plant engineers…
Case Study | Mining | Coal | LG Cyclone Feed Pipe
Coal mining operations mine and deliver coal from open cast pit to a crushing circuit.…
Case Study | Facilities Rental Apartments | Taking control of maintenance with On Key EAM system and Contractor Management
For Ithemba, as a property management company, the main challenge is the return on investment…
Client Reference | Mining and Minerals | Smelter Plant Asset Reliability Optimisation
The thoroughness of the new maintenance plan eliminated all guessing. Downtime and production throughput were…