The scope of a Computerised Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) is,
and always has been, a popular topic of debate among asset management
practitioners. Traditionally it was recognised as the information system
accountable for maintenance work management. Dirk Janse van Rensburg,
head of Pragma’s product development division, will be addressing the
positioning of a CMMS in an organisation’s information architecture at
the upcoming Physical Asset Management Conference, presented by Pragma,
which takes place from 13 to 15 August in Gauteng.
The perception of CMMS has shifted in recent times with the introduction
of a more open-ended concept, the Enterprise Asset Management (EAMS).
This, along with the expanding reach of Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) systems, leaves CMMS just short of an identity crisis.
In his presentation, Janse van Rensburg aims to provide clarity on the
positioning of a CMMS and to propose a model that defines EAMS. “It
positions CMMS as a subset of functionality, contained within the
broader EAMS umbrella concept,” says Janse van Rensburg, who originally
joined Pragma in 2007 as a consultant for an international project, with
the scope of implementing new technical services business methodology
with global reach. *
Says Janse van Rensburg: “Competing with single sign-on integrated
solution providers, CMMS products need to compete as best-of-breed
systems developed to address specific business needs. The ever
increasing challenge that best-of-breed products face is the ability to
integrate into broader information system architectures and to
facilitate continuous business process flow and data velocity. The
presentation proposes an approach to address this requirement and to
grow a CMMS into the EAMS sphere by arguing that business intelligence
is the bridge that unifies an integrated EAMS architecture.”
On Key 5 strives to address these challenges, by highlighting examples
of how On Key pushes data velocity, and examples of how On Key can be
incorporated into the broader information system structures. “Broadly
speaking, these examples are either techniques on how specialist
functionality in On Key is leveraged, or how On Key is implemented to
suit various business environments. These examples would reveal value
add that enterprise wide, single sign-on integrated solutions have
difficulty achieving,” says Janse van Rensburg.
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