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Memorable training that results in improved workplace activities

The main focus of the Pragma Academy is to create courses and provide training that is memorable to our clients and value adding to their businesses. We work hard to ensure that learning is demonstrated through improved workplace activities and partner with our clients to measure this.

Providing learning that is targeted and relevant results in memorable and measurable learning and this is best achieved when learning addresses specific learning requirements and/or skills gaps. We work closely with clients to understand their teams’ learning requirements and have also created generic learning pathways for key asset management roles, which you can view on our Academy page.

Generic learning pathway for a Reliability Engineer
Generic learning pathway for a Reliability Engineer

We understand that learning requirements vary from client to client and while we have a strong offering of generic asset management training courses, these courses are customisable to suit specific client requirements. We also revamp existing courses and create new courses to address latest industry best practice.

Blended learning is our preferred mode for delivering training as we believe this provides maximum opportunities for learning and retention of learning. We have introduced new technologies in our course developments and you will notice some advances in our blended learning offerings over the next few months! We hope you will enjoy it and that learning will become part of your daily working lives!

For all our On Key users, be sure to check out our new On Key training offerings – designed to meet your role requirements, developed in an elearning format for on-the-job training, and including facilitated support sessions.

As you can see, there is a lot of activity in the Pragma Academy as we constantly look at how to improve our offerings to bring you memorable learning!

If you haven’t visited our virtual classroom yet, go on and give it a try! It is highly interactive and structured in a way that allows learning to be part of your daily work life.

For more information, contact the Pragma Academy at pragma.academy@pragmaworld.net

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